Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Chapters 19 -22

In this reading, Nan has gotten the book confiscated and is super scared of what is to happen next. Anne uses her mental and emotional control over King Henry to convince him to find a way to retrieve the book. He was also convinced that he needs to read the book for it has content that would help speed up the divorce between him and Katherine.
Anne and her family experience the Sweating  disease as it goes through the town and kills a few people. Bess, Anne's helper, contracts the Sweating disease and then later dies from it. George, Anne's brother, also gets the disease and her family believe he is going to die. Modern day Anne recalls her memory from 21st century and remembers that George overcomes this illness. He in fact does survive it. At the end of the reading, Anne does contract the illness and it is unclear as to what happens to her. She does however survive through it.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Chapters 13-15

I am glad to see that Anne gets a weight lifted off her shoulders in this week's reading. She has been bundling it inside all this time and she seems like she can now be herself around her family and close friends. Also in this reading, they talk a bit about the religion reformation that will take place later in the future.(Page 206)

Pages 231 and 232

Anne releases all her inner thoughts towards Queen Katherine. She finally defends herself in a way that was much needed.

The Thrill of Alba

I  wonder why the thrill keeps me coming back
It excites me to see more each day.
It is has been a habit until I realize what lies beneath the Alba.
Each sunrise is a mystery that I am in search of discovering.
As the days turn into months and months into years, my love has grown for the Alba of each day.
It gives me a sense of relief and anxiety at the same time.
What is next for my journey of discovering the Alba.
Until then I will appreciate each chance I get to spend my mornings with Alba.